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LiamSaurus | Parenthood is “Walk in the Park”

Dear Liam James,

What an amazing, adventurous year it has been to watch you grow into the strong, courageous boy that God continues to design you to be! Keeping your dad and I on our toes is your number one priority in life, but your ability to melt our hearts in the matter of a blink of an eye is absolutely irresistible. As fast as these last 12 months have flown by, we cannot be grateful enough for the slow, paced moments of growing in our parenthood journey and relishing in the gift of having you as our son. Here is your year 2 in a nutshell…

March 2022

After having the FRIENDliest birthday with your closest pals, you discovered a great love for your wagon. Mama is just waiting for the day where you can start pulling her around instead. ;)

April 2022

You took your first few steps on your own! Mama put you next to a bench, and you decided it would be a whole lot more fun to walk to her. The joy and pride you had in yourself was unlike anything your dad and I have ever seen. April also began our camping journey in the Cougar camper, and your love for being outside made those trips all the more exciting.

May 2022

PopPop is the greatest and made you the best busy board! Seeing you figure out the gidgets and gadgets so quickly is purely amazing. Your first tractor ride with the local farmer was a surprising hit, and I can only imagine the Tractor Mac moments that are to come with you!

June 2022

Being in your favorite place of the grand outdoors pretty much sums up this month. 🙂

July 2022

You and daddy became the best hiking backpack buds, experiencing all the beautiful trails of Turkey Run together. In other news, you FINALLY started walking all on your own! If there is anything you have taught your dad and I, it is that you will hit your milestones when you are good and ready and not a moment sooner!

August 2022

Your first vacation with the family! Being on the lake was nowhere near your favorite like hiking with your daddy and uncles, but you made our lake house vacation an absolute blast with every second we were there.

September 2022

You gained a sibling in Heaven. Though this circumstance came with its fair share of tears and hardship, we are forever grateful that your brother or sister, Haven, only knows the love and glory of our Heavenly Father. The beautiful song, Hymm of Heaven, continues to remind your daddy and I that the Lord is holy, sovereign, and Haven gets to spend his/her lifetime in worship of our dear Maker.

“How I long to breathe the air of Heaven

Where pain is gone and mercy fills the streets

To look upon the One who bled to save me

And walk with Him for all eternity

There will be a day when all will bow before Him

There will be a day when death will be no more

Standing face to face with He who died and rose again

Holy, holy is the Lord

And every prayer we prayed in desperation

The songs of faith we sang through doubt and fear

In the end, we'll see that it was worth it

When He returns to wipe away our tears

Oh, there will be a day when all will bow before Him

There will be a day when death will be no more

Standing face to face with He who died and rose again

Holy, holy is the Lord”

October 2022

Your sign language is one of the cutest things about you! Once you figured out how to sign, “I love you,” you can’t leave a person without showing them your love! Though our time having daddy work from home was short, you definitely gravitated to being a daddy’s boy! The first week of daddy being home meant no naptime for Liam because you wanted to spend every minute playing with your best pal.

November 2022

Granny, Papaw, and the Hales took you on your first of many camping trips away! This adventure included lots of swinging and your first snow to play in! This month also came with quite a scare of your first ER visit, but we know that the Lord was watching over you every step of the way! With your FBC team of prayer warriors praying for you constantly, our potential overnight stay ended up with us leaving after the doctor said, “this is a whole new kid” shortly after we arrived. Praise God for his mercy and grace!

December 2022

You got a slide for Christmas. Need we say more?!

January 2022

Before daddy found a different job, you two made the greatest memories building forts, playing with your trucks, and taking your first trip to Elite Air! ALSOOOOOOOO, you became a big brother again!!! We can only imagine how much a loving, sweet brother you will be to Baby F that is due September 2023! Here’s to having two to adore before you’re 3. ;)

February 2022

You found lots of new things to try and love this month: library time, going to the museum, saying “mama” regularly, and streaking!!!

March 2022

So far, this month is off to a great start, and we are prepping for your Jurassic World birthday! Though your roar is strong as a dinosaur, we wouldn’t have it any other way because God has created you to be BIG, STRONG, and COURAGEOUS!

Liam’s 2nd Year Stats:

Height: 33 inches

Weight: 27 pounds

Teeth: 10ish?

Nicknames: Still too many to count, but “Scooby” is the current name of choice

Favorite Toy: trucks, magnet tiles, books, cups, and anything that scoops!

Favorite Food: donuts and ice cream

Favorite Drink: juice juice

Favorite Activity: streaking, pouring with cups, giving the best cheesy grin ;)

Words: Mama, Daddy, Papaw, Yaya (Marley), Gee (Griffy + Granny), Bubby, Gigi, PopPop, Saa(Sam), and a whole lot more...

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